Complete Curriculum for the Self-Taught Artist — Introduction

<h1><strong>Background</strong></h1> <p>Four months ago I decided I wanted to learn how to draw. But I didn&rsquo;t want to just learn how to doodle, or make decent pictures that would impress my family. I wanted to attain what I&rsquo;ve always believed to be the pinnacle of drawing &mdash; to successfully convert any conceivable image from the imagination onto a 2D surface. I drew a lot as a kid, as every child does, and although I was okay at copying other images (mostly comic book characters), I was never able to draw what I saw in my imagination. As an 11-year-old I would see other kids who seemed to have the ability to successfully bring their creations to life, and since I couldn&rsquo;t, I assumed I wasn&rsquo;t talented enough, so I gave up on drawing. What I didn&rsquo;t realize was that those kids probably spent a lot more time drawing than I did, and what I mistook for innate talent was probably earned by hard work and a lot of practice.</p> <p>Now, as a 38-year-old, I have a much better idea of the discipline and hard work it takes to walk the path of mastery. To be clear, I don&rsquo;t expect to one day suddenly have the ability to draw from imagination and consider my goal achieved. Rather, I&rsquo;m expecting to set out on a journey of self expression, self discovery, and mastery that will last the rest of my life. Here I will outline a plan for the first couple years where I will focus on fundamentals, and lay down some of the principles and habits that will ensure success.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>