Company Makes Billions Combating US Obesity But Could Harm Its Country

<p>As a doctor and journalist, Novo Nordisk has caught my attention despite my lack of expertise in economics. The next article links medicine, medications, and economics.</p> <p>After reading America&rsquo;s Obsession With Weight-Loss Drugs Is Affecting the Economy of Denmark in WSJ, I wanted to better understand the importance of health economics in a country&rsquo;s budget and how it was so important in the treatment of obesity and diabetes mellitus 2.</p> <h1>The Impact of Giant Companies: Lessons from Nokia and Novo Nordisk</h1> <p>Do you know how in the world of business some companies become valuable? Imagine if a company is like a big puzzle piece in a country&rsquo;s economy. This is happening more currently because some companies are getting giant and controlling whole industries.</p> <p>Think about Nokia, the company that made those old mobile phones. But at some point, the economy changed. People started liking different phones, like iPhones, and Nokia&rsquo;s phones became less popular. This was a problem for Finland because they had put so much focus on Nokia. Finland&rsquo;s economy suffered for an extended period because of the company&rsquo;s fall.</p> <p>A similar event is happening in Denmark with Novo Nordisk. Denmark&rsquo;s economy is changing significantly because of its success. It&rsquo;s good as it generates jobs and money. But it can also be a little risky if the company faces problems.</p> <p>It shows that depending too much on just one company can be tricky. It is like a coin with two sides &mdash; it can help a lot, but if something goes wrong, it can cause problems too.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>