Your Companions-Angels and Devils

<p>Angels and Jinn were companions of mankind before coming to this earth. Our creator Allah created a new creation, &ldquo;Adam&rdquo;, with his own hands as His chosen representative of earth. Then He presented His new creation &ldquo;Adam&rdquo; to intelligent angels and Jinn who already existed in heaven or higher station. Allah demanded obedience of &ldquo;Adam&rdquo; from the inhabitants of heaven. Angels obeyed the commands of Allah to be obedient to His new representative &ldquo;Adam&rdquo; and assisted in performing his assigned tasks and responsibilities on the earth. But one of the Jinn named Iblis saw the vulnerability of the physical features of Adam. Iblis became arrogant about his features and abilities, and he disobeyed the commands of our creator to be obedient to Allah&rsquo;s chosen representative &ldquo;Adam&rdquo; on the earth. The Quran mentions: &ldquo;And [mention] when We said to the angels, &ldquo;Prostrate before Adam;&rdquo; so, they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>