A Community of One-on-Ones

<p>The Birthright Israel Excel community is a community by many definitions. It is first and foremost a Jewish community, one comprised of young adults, many of whom are still in the process of searching for their Jewish identity. Beyond the initial Jewish characterization, it is also a professional community made up of young professionals just starting out on their inevitably long and meaningful careers. Lastly, the Excel community can be described as a social community, one full of budding and life-long relationships.</p> <p>Regardless of how one chooses to define the Excel community, it is certainly one composed of individual relationships, many of which overlap between professional and social. Despite religious, professional, and often social similarities, Excel Fellows are geographically diverse, thereby demanding individual relationships that are strong and can be maintained across thousands of miles. It is this geographic diversity that perpetuates such a robust community, a community of one-on-ones. Here are a few examples in no particular order.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/birthright-israel-excel-blog/a-community-of-one-on-ones-b63954390b31"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: community