Communication… beyond the lines.

<p>It&rsquo;s Saturday night, approximately 10pm EST and I&rsquo;m texting with one of my employees. She committed to a long term contract in a facility that is presenting her with continued concerns. So on Saturday night, at approximately 10pm EST, I&rsquo;m in texting with one of my employees.</p> <p>She is largely venting concerns on items I can not control or change, not now nor in the future, so I listen. I&rsquo;m honest with her in letting her know, while I wish there was more that I could do, unfortunately there isn&rsquo;t&hellip; and I listen. I offer where and what I can to offset the misery she says she&rsquo;s facing, but even offering sometimes is not enough&hellip; so I listen.</p> <p>Her greatest concern is her professional license is in jeopardy with some of the procedure being recommended by the facility she is supporting. This places in her in a position where she may be forced to terminate her contract early to save her license, even if we offer her more money to solidify her commitment. I let her know I understand, her career is most important and she has to do what she has to do to protect her future and her own personal investment in educational and license costs. She says she doesn&rsquo;t see any alternative if things don&rsquo;t get better. I show great empathy, being able to easily relate after years of corporate service&hellip; and I listen.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>