15 Completely Insane Church Signs That Defy All Logic or Common Sense

<p>Anyone following my Memoir series knows I dabble in graphic design. Indeed, if I may be so bold, I was once &mdash; when I practised more &mdash; very accomplished in Photoshop et al.</p> <p><em>Nowadays, I&rsquo;m a bit out of practice &mdash; but I still get called upon when the church needs a poster, a banner or a social media graphic.</em></p> <p>So I know from experience that it isn&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;difficult to put together a sign that has at least a passing acquaintance with the principles of graphic design and avoids glaring mistakes which offend the eyes.</p> <p>Yet I never seem to reach the bottom of the barrel when it comes to what I have labelled Christian Weird. These fifteen examples are all church signs which defy all conventions of logic or common sense.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/inspire-believe-grow/15-completely-insane-church-signs-that-defy-all-logic-or-common-sense-db658cdab439"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Common Sense