Hooked: How Common Obsessions Lead to Depression

<p>Gregory is an intelligent and kind young man in his mid-20s. At age 16, he dropped out of school. He still lives with his mother. Suffering from anxiety and depression, he has worked a smattering of entry-level, part-time jobs&hellip;none lasting more than a few months.</p> <p>Gregory&rsquo;s main preoccupation? Video games. He plays them for hours on end, every day and into the wee hours of the morning.</p> <p>It would be easy to dismiss Gregory &mdash; whose name has been changed here to protect his identity &mdash; as just another lazy, unmotivated poster boy for Gen Z. But the fact is, you may be more similar to Gregory than you think.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wise-well/hooked-how-common-obsessions-can-lead-to-depression-2f74aa5bdd36"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>