How to Mirror A Disk into Another Disk by using RoboCopy command of Windows

<p>/MIR: This option mirrors the source directory and the destination directory. It will make the destination directory identical to the source by copying all folders (including empty ones) from the source directory and by deleting folders in the destination that are not present in the source.</p> <p>/XO: This option excludes older files. If a file already exists in the destination and has the same date or an older date than the source, it won&rsquo;t be copied. However, if the source file is newer (which means they are different), it will overwrite the destination file.</p> <p>Note: Always be cautious when using the /MIR switch, as it can delete files or directories in the destination if they are not present in the source. Make sure to test the command on a smaller set or backup your data before running on important directories.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>