Getting the most rent is Easy with the Right Team: 104 Columbus LEASED in 4 days

<p>Creating top rents like this home is crucial to any investors success. The other crucial part about income real estate is the speed of rehabbing and leasing a property. If a property stays on the market too long it costs money. Our average for homes is 18 days&hellip;&hellip;</p> <p>This property was leased for $1400 a month in literally 5 days. The rehab only took 3 weeks and it was under $6000.</p> <p>The last tenants stayed 3 years and we lifted the rent $250 from the original lease 36 month ago. That was a $3000 increase on their rent.</p> <p>The key is getting more rent and keeping maintenance down on the property during the time the property is making income.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>