Was Columbus a Moron?

<p>What if you landed in Heaven and didn&rsquo;t know it? This is, without question, the most unforgivable error that occurred on October 12, 1492 &mdash; the day Columbus and his crew set foot somewhere in the Bahamas.</p> <p><em>The Journal of Christopher Columbus</em>&nbsp;details such a story. It also busts the common myth of his purported fearlessness with regard to sailing over the edge of the Earth into a chasm of man-eating hellishness. No person with any education thought the world was flat in 1492. That certainty was known for about 1,000 years. The only uncertainty was the size of our blue orb. Even today, the myth that Columbus sailed the ocean blue to prove the Earth was round is still prevalent. It is utter nonsense.</p> <p><a href="https://bobdumont.medium.com/was-columbus-a-moron-8e72c26f4b53"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Columbus