Call Me If You Have No Idea What To Bring To Colorado

<p>Hi. I&rsquo;m Stephanie, owner of JUST WHAT YOU NEED.</p> <p>Whether you call yourself a skunk bear, a mountain devil, or just a plain old wolverine, I want to help move you and your family to beautiful Colorado.</p> <p>As an animal translocation specialist, I&rsquo;ve helped all kinds of mammals move from their high-rise luxury apartments to both sea-level ground holes and high-altitude snowpack &mdash; whichever FWS deems is a cozier fit. (They have a point. Elevator anxiety for wild animals requires a&nbsp;<em>lot</em>&nbsp;of Zoloft to make it work.)</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a professional.</p> <p>Animals hire me because I know which mountain they should live on, which snowdrift they should buy, and what stuff they should pack. The best schools, the nearest hot spots. Ask Stephanie!</p> <p>I hold a real estate license in all fifty states (except NYC because when I managed a relocation of goats from Weehawken to Manhattan through the Lincoln Tunnel, Port Authority slapped me with a cease-and-desist. So, I quit. Now there&rsquo;s a goat problem inside the Lincoln Tunnel. Not my problem.)</p> <p>I&rsquo;m also a licensed Wild Beast Marriage Therapist &mdash; so useful during moves.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Colorado