Through Collective Solidarity to Collective Liberation

<p>When I read&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">this post</a>, I could relate to it so much, although not because of the fear of speaking out. My voice has been loud, just not on LinkedIn platform. I had limited space to think about LinkedIn since October 2023. My energy and focus were dedicated to learning: reading, watching video material, researching, and listening. Then I began to march, sign petitions, write to my MP, share, talk, further learn, boycott, and each day there is something new I find I can do.</p> <p>Although I can fall asleep at night, I struggle to get restful sleep. I toss and turn, wake up with my body feeling completely tense, and my jaws clenched, unable to relax. My body is in a constant state of anxiety and stress, and the fight and flight mode is constantly on. My muscles are no longer able to relax; how could they? I make myself watch, read, and listen all that I can in a day about the genocide in Palestine, despite how unbearable it can be. I need to witness, I need to know and understand. It has become difficult to carry on with my own personal meditation and yoga āsana practices that have served me so well in the last year.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>