Finding Warmth in the Midst of Toronto’s Cold Snap

<p>Like the ever-changing Toronto weather, relationships too can be unpredictable. One moment, it&rsquo;s scorching hot, and all you need is a light top, and the next, it&rsquo;s raining cats and dogs, leaving you wondering why you left your coat at home.</p> <p>As the cold settles in, I&rsquo;ve adopted a new routine, one that doesn&rsquo;t demand I jump into a workout as soon as I rise. It allows me the luxury of staying in bed a bit longer, knowing that I can roll out, change, work, and then, and only then, head to the gym. It&rsquo;s like basking in the warmth of sunshine after a crisp breeze in the fall.</p> <p>Yet, despite this newfound rhythm, I can&rsquo;t escape the chill that lingers in my heart. It feels like more than just a frostbite, an icy numbness that seeps into my soul.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cold Snap