Coiling Time

<p>While the idea of circularized time has been around for longer than we could actually imagine, its trend as a modern philosophical concept tends to buoy around quite a bit.</p> <p>Especially of late, the whole &lsquo;time is a circle&rsquo; bit has gained some overdue traction in mainstream spheres.</p> <p>A few years ago, I myself began deconstructing my perception of time &mdash; delinearizing it as much as possible to try and deviate from the social and cultural constructs that ensnare our understanding of how we tend to move through reality.</p> <p>While riding the waves of Eastern philosophy and Western idealism, I began considering everything to move not from point A to point Z, but from point A to A.</p> <p>Cyclicality &mdash; nothing new in the grand scheme of philosophical thought.</p> <p>And I&rsquo;m far from being the only one to try and express this concept via linguistics, which itself is only one limited way by which we could try to understand (or contributed to a shared understanding) of how we actually move through time.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
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