Cognitive Psychology: a necessity for a human-centred design

<p>Indeed, it appears essential, particularly in the digital realm, to make decisions or propose solutions while being able to support them with&nbsp;<strong>objective and scientific facts</strong>. It is a common habit to adopt &lsquo;good practices&rsquo; without us being able to explain why, which&nbsp;<strong>hinders communication and decision-making</strong>. The inability to explain the &lsquo;why&rsquo; also significantly increases the<strong>&nbsp;likelihood of being biased&nbsp;</strong>during decision-making.</p> <p>Cognitive psychology is a scientific research discipline precisely designed to understand what drives the&nbsp;<strong>attitudes</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>behaviours</strong>&nbsp;of individuals, whether they are&nbsp;<strong>collaborators</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>users</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>clients</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>acquaintances</strong>, or&nbsp;<strong>yourself</strong>. The term &lsquo;psychology&rsquo; refers to the study of the mind and mental life, while the term &lsquo;cognitive&rsquo;, derived from the Latin word &lsquo;cognoscere&rsquo;, broadly refers to knowledge and the process of knowing (Hodent, 2022; Lemaire &amp; Didierjean, 2018).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>