Cognitive Load: When Motivation Fails

<p>Cognitive load is an overlooked issue in the corporate space today. It&rsquo;s a silent killer of individual and organizational performances. To see happy and productive employees corporate leaders should address the issue without fail.</p> <p>Cognitive load is the mental effort or mental capacity an individual should have to process information and perform a specific task. Cognitive resources like problem-solving ability, decision-making ability, and information retaining ability are used while carrying the cognitive load. The resources are used through the working memory of the brain. High cognitive load means reduced mental effort or mental capacity. It happens because too much stress is put on the cognitive resources and working memory. The resources and working memory are limited. It means an employee&rsquo;s ability to carry the cognitive load is limited. Just here, corporate leaders should be concerned. Otherwise, the organizational performance is bound to deteriorate. No motivation works when the cognitive load becomes a burden.</p> <p><strong><em>Keep in mind that an individual has a limited capacity to carry the cognitive load at any point in time.</em></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cognitive Load