Codeworks Bootcamp: Weeks 5 & 6

<p>The COVID-19 quarantine continues in locked-down Barcelona, but one thing has changed for me: the junior part of the Codeworks bootcamp is over, I have successfully passed the final assessment and been admitted to the senior part of the course.</p> <p>The final two weeks of the junior part were mostly dedicated to front-end frameworks. In the beginning we took a short detour into GraphQL, after which we dug deep into Angular and React for the rest of the two weeks. It was interesting to have a hands-on comparison between these two major front-end frameworks, React coming out of it as my personal favorite. It was also during these two weeks that I had my aha-moments and things learned in the previous weeks started falling into pieces and form the big picture of a full-stack web application.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>