Code Sekai — Dev log | July 2023

<p>August is coming, It&rsquo;s time for our Code Sekai&rsquo;s Devlog! Our dedicated team has been hard at work, making continuous progress and developments to maintain the project&rsquo;s momentum post-launch. Let&rsquo;s dive into the highlights of our Grand Opening Tournament!</p> <p><img alt="" src="*UBUq7fbMcPhBmcBd8tsHqQ.jpeg" style="height:393px; width:700px" /></p> <h2><strong>Community Engagement:</strong></h2> <ul> <li>The Grand Opening Tournament commenced on June 27th, now has come to an end! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners. Our team is immensely proud of the exceptional skill and unwavering determination displayed by each participant throughout this competition, as detailed below.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="*rkKGaDWA3igpYoSKsGyRXA.png" style="height:499px; width:700px" /></p> <ul> <li>As part of our efforts to enhance community awareness, we actively engaged in an AMA session on Twitter Space in collaboration with @Etihad. Our team was thrilled to address a wide range of questions, share insights, and connect with participants to create a more informed and connected community experience.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Code Sekai