Creating Space Invaders clone with PyGame in 100 lines of code or less

<p>If you ever wanted to make Space Invaders in Python, but were too lazy to do it, here&rsquo;s a short tutorial with GIFS!</p> <h1>&gt;&gt;basic settings</h1> <p>First I create the Game class that will control the game. Then I initialize&nbsp;<em>pygame</em>&nbsp;instance and the alien list. I set the refresh rate to 60 and run the game loop.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*HAFIpXwk6jD1XzwK2H05dg.png" style="height:601px; width:700px" /></p> <h1>&gt;&gt;enemies</h1> <p>I create a new Alien class, that holds coordinates, color, and size and will draw the object to the screen. I set the &ldquo;falling down&rdquo; effect with the decreasing y value by 5% of a pixel per frame.<br /> (the un-indented blocks of code are not going to work as you see them&mdash; alien = &hellip; and alien.draw need a &ldquo;game&rdquo; instance reference instead of self. Same goes for Hero and Generator below. For complete code see the end for a github link)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Code Less