Setting up SSH Remote Development using Visual Studio Code on macOS

<p>My desktop and laptop computers are both Apple Macs and are also both Apple Silicon. This makes certain tasks harder than they should be. For instance I want to deploy my website project to a server running on Intel / AMD x86_64 but the only way I could test that before I pushed the project into production would be to use something like UTM to emulate x86_64 on AArch64 but that is painfully slow.</p> <p>The other option is to run virtual machines. I have VMWare Fusion Pro for my Mac and I have to admit that it works very well but we still come back to the same problem. VMWare Fusion Pro on Apple Silicon only supports AArch64 operating systems so even using that I can&rsquo;t do proper testing. If there is a bug in x86_64 Linux that might affect my projects when deployed to production I won&rsquo;t know until it is too late. That is why I need to test all of my websites on an Intel / AMD x86_64 server.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Code macOS