Coaching in the Workplace: How to Incorporate In-the-Moment Coaching into Your Leadership Style

<p>One of the best ways leaders can help their team members to be successful is to provide coaching in the workplace &mdash; not just coaching in the formal sense, but learning how to use &ldquo;in-the-moment&rdquo; coaching as a leader or mentor.</p> <p>(Though as certified executive leadership coaches, we will say that there are definitely additional&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">benefits to professional coaching</a>&nbsp;and learning&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">how to take a COACH Approach</a>!)</p> <p>Supervisors, managers and leaders can learn to routinely use in-the-moment coaching in the workplace. This addition to your leadership toolkit doesn&rsquo;t require months-long training or certification.</p> <h1><strong>What&nbsp;<em>In-The-Moment</em>&nbsp;Coaching Involves</strong></h1> <p>Instead of telling team members what to do, leaders who use coaching techniques ask questions and listen carefully &mdash; without labeling people as difficult &ldquo;blockers&rdquo; of change or as resistant to ideas or processes.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Coaching