What Happens When Galaxy Clusters Collide?

<p>If D1 is the time dilation factor (D1=1.5 means time is 1.5 times slower inside) in the galaxy cluster A, and D2 is the time dilation factor in the galaxy cluster B, then the time dilation factor at the intersection of these clusters would be D1&times;D2. When these clusters were intersecting (while passing through each other), this area was the area of matter/antimatter production (and partial annihilation), triggered by matter moving at high speed in slow-time area (explained in chapter 11 of my book). And the latest intersection area was on the sides that are seen near each other now (right side of A and left side of B), and thus containing relatively recent hot gas generated as a part of matter-antimatter production with partial annihilation process.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/timematters/dark-matter-vs-time-dilation-in-galaxy-cluster-collisions-025dbfe3f139"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>