Clustering Dublin neighborhoods

<p>Many countries around the world receive much immigrants all years. Ireland is one of them that has open much tecnologies companies few years ago and growth the demand of IT professionals. After that, Ireland has received much immigrants to work.</p> <p>Therefor of job opportunities, Ireland have much english schools. Much other peoples go to Ireland for study english. Countries like Brazil, has Ireland as a most comun destiny to english exchange. The Irish are very welcoming and the study exchange can work during period of study, and pay your spending. Because of that, Ireland are chosen for much people to live or to have a experience as a exchange.</p> <p>Dublin is the capital of Ireland and is the city that receive more immigrants. This city has about 500.000 of people. Has famous regions with many pubs and bar to enjoy the night. Other neighborhoods are more residential and have less trendy bars.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>