The Witch In the Closet — A True Story

<p>She wore a colorful witch outfit with a pointy hat and a green cape. Donna was going as a devil. Finally, after many admonitions to be careful, Mom opened the door. The two girls rushed out, first to the next-door neighbor who had a lot of cats and then to the neighbor across the street, who had decorated her house with all kinds of cool Halloween stuff, including a huge ghost that hung from the big oak in her yard. It was such a fun night, and no one had attacked them.</p> <p>Their plastic pumpkins overflowed, and the witch and the devil dumped the candy on the living floor. Mom helped them check everything for pins, hand grenades, deadly poisons, and stuff that didn&rsquo;t happen in little old Hazelwood. Once declared safe, they began picking up the candy from the carpet when the lights of a car pulling into the driveway lit up the house. It was Dad.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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