5 Weeks: The Clock is Ticking

<p>Unfortunately, we&rsquo;re generally not wired to follow up on vague ideas in the long-term, particularly when they have no specific end date.</p> <p>And so, try as we might, we still lose focus.</p> <p>We still fall back into&nbsp;<em>old habits.</em></p> <p>Which is why I made that strange statement at the beginning of the article. Because rather than seeing New Year&rsquo;s as a beginning, leading to&hellip;&nbsp;<em>nowhere,</em>&nbsp;what if we instead view it as an end.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@exaitus000/5-weeks-the-clock-is-ticking-a4b8e192a322"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Clock Ticking