Gaia And The Climate Emergency

<p><strong><em>&ldquo;Amid the doom-laden exhortations to change our ways, let us remember that we are striving to create a more beautiful world, and not sustain, with growing sacrifice, the current one. We are not just seeking to survive. We are not just facing doom; we are facing a glorious possibility. We are offering people not a world of less, not a world of sacrifice, not a world where you are just going to have to enjoy less and suffer more &mdash; no, we are offering a world of more beauty, more joy, more connection, more love, more fulfilment, more exuberance, more leisure, more music, more dancing, and more celebration. The most inspiring glimpses you&rsquo;ve ever had about what life can be &mdash; that is what we are offering.&rdquo;&nbsp;</em></strong>Charles Eisenstein</p> <p>&ldquo;<strong><em>We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we have lost our connection to ourselves.&rdquo;&nbsp;</em></strong>Andy Goldsworthy</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>