Our Dear Buenos Aires: When She Cheated on Us

<p>In our second time in Buenos Aires, Claudia and I had a very different experience than we had had in our first trip. At this time we decided to rent an apartment for two months. Therefore, Claudia was in search of an estate agency to rent a flat for us. She found an Argentinian enterprise called &ldquo;Four Rent&rdquo;, and we decided to rent there because we didn&rsquo;t know about AirBNB yet.<br /> When we arrived at Ezeiza Airport and took a taxi, we were stolen in ninety pesos. A guy who found a taxi for us changed a hundred pesos bill to a ten pesos one in front of my eyes, as a magician, but I didn&rsquo;t see anything. I was not completely annoyed with this because I thought that at least he didn&rsquo;t point a gun to me, as regularly happens here in Rio, and I also persisted in not spoiling our vacation with bad mood. This experience taught me to mark with a pencil in a specific place all my hundred pesos bills. Argentinians, because of the economical policy called &ldquo;curralito&rdquo; or little corral in English, are not used to using bank services.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@pompeu_fernando/our-dear-buenos-aires-when-she-cheated-on-us-ae56e5a5c743"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires