A lively look at the classical world

<p>A second heavily researched book about Greeks and Romans has arrived in time for winter reading. The book is &ldquo;Insane Emperors, Sunken Cities, and Earthquake Machines.&rdquo; The author is classics-trained Chicago native Garrett Ryan.</p> <p>The 2023 book follows the same pattern of a similar 2021 book with three- to five-page chapters each addressing a specific aspect of ancient life, such as &ldquo;Did the Ancient Greeks and Romans Wear Swimsuits?&rdquo; or &ldquo;Why Were the Noses of Ancient Statues broken?&rdquo; (Spoiler alerts: yes and to kill the spirits within.)</p> <p><a href="https://jbrodell.medium.com/a-lively-look-at-the-classical-world-c040892fc8de"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>