On a clarity of belief

<p>I tend to think that folks have a directional inclination to what they believe. This feels good, this feels bad, this feels gross, this feels joyful are about as close as most of us get to the core of our beliefs.</p> <p>Most institutions do not encourage us having our own beliefs, they encourage us to defer to their beliefs and perform fealty to them. That performance of fealty then becomes the way you get social capital and power inside of those institutions.</p> <p>Pre-internet &mdash; access to community was the only lever of power you could get outside of institutions and that carries a lot of muscle memory. So in essence, we&rsquo;re trained to defer beliefs to others who &ldquo;know more&rdquo;. But it is often hard for folks to distinguish between people who know more and people who are putting on the best most vibrant performance.</p> <p><a href="https://karlitaliliana.medium.com/on-a-clarity-of-belief-33da386ac90c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Clarity Belief