Why It's Hard for Some People to Admit the Civil War Was Over Slavery

<p>Like Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall, there was a time when America needed to be put back together again after a great fall, the Civil War. Yet, generations later, some people are still unwilling to admit the conflict had anything to do with chattel slavery. Instead, they will lean upon the phrase &quot;states&#39; rights&quot; while obscuring the historical reality. By removing important context, such as the reason why these states sought to secure their rights, they can whitewash the country&rsquo;s legacy of chattel slavery. These white lies attempt to hide the cracks in our country&#39;s foundation; the core hypocrisy that &quot;all men are created equal&quot; would be written in the Bill of Rights by men who considered Black people nothing more than property.</p> <p><a href="https://readcultured.com/why-its-hard-for-some-people-to-admit-the-civil-war-was-over-slavery-9e838c62be20"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Civil Wars