Citric Summer Problems (The Emerald City Stories #2)

<p>One year and some months have passed since the first story. I have just moved houses and now I am living in the heart of the city centre of Dublin. After sharing a house with nine people, I got an upgrade and shared an apartment with four guys. The building is on one of the busiest streets in Dublin, with a Luas station and a shopping centre by the corner, Jervis Street. On the north corner, I see the Liffey River and, on the other side, I have Pantibar anytime. (From 4 PM, I mean.) This is the dream for the exchange students: A central location just five minutes away from your language school and from work.</p> <p>However, by the title of this story, you can imagine it was not all a bed of roses. On the good side, it was not the apartment the problem, of course. My life got much better living in town, near my school, my work and access to a lot of entertainment. But do you know when people say that it doesn&#39;t matter how far you move if you don&#39;t sort out your issues, they will keep following you? In my case,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: City Stories