Buenos Aires Is the Best City in the World

<p>My parents found out that were pregnant with me in a trip in Buenos Aires and their honeymoon was there as well. It is probably one of the firt cities and trips that I did, at a very early age.</p> <p>I know this city as my own body and I feel it in my blood. My dad teach me and made me love it, so this is not a objective article, is about love. Of course, every big city comes with its bad things but that is for another article.</p> <p>You can find the the warm treatment of the argentine people, the welcome to people from the rest of the world, it offers you the opportunity of feeling comfort and included without even being in your own country.</p> <p>When I walk through the streets of Buenos Aires I feel like I am breathing history, music, literature.This city has more bookshops per inhabitant that any other city in the world.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@franchuaiello777/buenos-aires-is-the-best-city-in-the-world-7c8b29692041"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: City world