How Living In Different Cities Transformed My Personality

<p>We are all travellers transcending from one dimension to another. Our souls need exploration and discoveries that fascinate and excite our moods. Life is dynamic in nature and so are we. The universe around us keeps expanding with every blink of an eye, and that&rsquo;s exactly who we are in our truest forms, voyagers on a self-exploratory and transformative journey.</p> <p>I have lived in three different countries and five different cities up until now. Each city that I have lived in, had a certain character and personality which I have imbibed within me. During those primitive years, living in a new city away from my hometown was a far-off dream. But fortunately, I got the opportunity to explore and expand my knowledge by living in these 5 cities so far:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>