Difficult Conversations and Talking Circles

<p>It&rsquo;s surprising how much relationships are key to flow, joy, productivity and even innovation in the workplace and yet relationships are rarely seen as a priority. We are under equipped in tools, methods, and processes that help us to tend to relationships. This is true in life in general and even more so in the workplace where managing legal risk can supersede connecting with one another. When there are challenges and issues in the workplace the norm is to take it up the ladder to our supervisors rather than deal with it ourselves. We struggle with difficult conversations.</p> <p>There is a protocol or process that can help respond to this need with surprising ease and impact. It is called circle practice, talking circle or dialogue circle. It&rsquo;s not new. It has existed for thousands of years in most communities across the globe. What&rsquo;s new though is how we can bring it into the modern workplace. Here I will share the protocol we use, where it is useful, the key benefits and experiences utilizing it. Circle practice is part of basic organizational hygiene, it can shift the dynamic and bring a group back together. It offers a space so that the perspectives of all are valued and can be heard. It helps to prepare for wise decision making.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/percolab-droplets/difficult-conversations-and-talking-circles-9fababc88e08"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Circles