Heavenly Design: The Stave Churches of Norway

<p>They seem to have been designed by mythology and built by legend. The stave churches of Norway are unique heritage. When you first encounter these mysterious black wooden structures, starkly contrasting with the green valleys and the blue sky, they represent a fragile humanity within a huge and overwhelming, natural setting. Despite their unusual appearance, they are strangely at ease with their environment, like they were purposely designed to complete an almost perfect scenery. Perhaps they were. These churches were not created by architects, but by local craftsmen, incredibly skilled in woodwork. It feels as if the surrounding forest was tamed and tarred and turned into a building.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/heritage-times/heavenly-design-the-stave-churches-of-norway-83a7110a1732"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>