Chrysalis: Wings For An Old Worm

<p>It&rsquo;s 3 AM and winter rain is falling on deserted black-mirror streets slick with pale orange streetlamp glow. An anemic old vampire dressed entirely in monastic black is pushing a shiny-new, blue Surly bicycle through the once grand marble lobby of a dispirited residential hotel that now houses a small church and vestigial wrap-around services devoted, at least in verbiage, to providing for the least among us.</p> <p>The wheels of the impossibly bright bike make a whirling noise as the ghostly apparition wheels it past the chapel&rsquo;s darkened, night-stained glass doors, past the impassive doorman, and out into the cold, dead night. The old man stops by Jesus sleeping motionless cast in bronze on a park bench and awkwardly mounts the steel contraption he has christened The blooDakini. In a flash he is gone; disappeared into the night.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>