Three Pillars of White Supremacy & Chinese Americans

<p>I feel empowered when I can clearly situate myself and what I&rsquo;m feeling within systems greater than myself. Understanding how I am oriented within the greater logics of our world is a tool that helps me build up my agency. It helps me understand the mundane as well as the normalized violence and chaos. It helps me envision something different for the world that isn&rsquo;t just a replication masked as something better.</p> <p>How we understand white supremacy affects how we understand and work in solidarity. White supremacy alludes to the overt racism of white supremacist hate groups and the KKK. White supremacy is also a political, economic and cultural system in which white people overwhelmingly control&nbsp;<strong>power</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>material resources</strong>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>