San Francisco is dead? Tell that to the thousands at Chinatown Night Market

<p>Thousands filled Grant Avenue this weekend to sample neighborhood restaurants, take in a lion dance or dance themselves beneath the warm glow of dēngl&oacute;ng lanterns at the Chinatown Night Market.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*iTKEwqrUasabZGUyzEzUow.png" style="height:646px; width:1000px" /></p> <p>All photos by M. T. Eley for The Bold Italic.</p> <p>Who was there? Everyone. Hipsters, techies, tourists &mdash; &ldquo;does San Francisco do this every weekend?&rdquo; &mdash; dogs in backpacks, newcomers, oldcomers, parents and grandparents with strollers and kids in tow. A man calling himself &ldquo;Captain Alex&rdquo; graciously showed folks his rattlesnake head pendant, &ldquo;I used to kill them for a living,&rdquo; he told me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>