Something Happened in Chicago Yesterday

<p>I should have titled this &ldquo;Shouting Into the Wind&rdquo; but I decided on a more grabby title. Besides, shouting into the wind (the information hurricane known as the Internet) isn&rsquo;t as futile as it&rsquo;s made out to be. If anyone hears your shouts, they know someone is shouting about something and usually go to find out what that is.</p> <p>Anyway, I came upon a photo while browsing my Facebook page that brought me up with a start. It was (it&rsquo;s included here) the photo of a table with about a hundred small birds on it. That in turn led me to find the Chicago Tribune article. It is a report of around 960 small bird species that fly into the still-lit windows (it was at night) of the McCormack Place Lakeside Center.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>