Surviving Chicago

<p>Around here we say things like, &ldquo;in my neighborhood, it sounds like they&rsquo;ve been celebrating the 4th of July for months.&rdquo; Get it? No? In Chicago, we hope that those distant&nbsp;<strong>BANGS!</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>POPS!</strong>&nbsp;are fireworks and not fire arms &mdash; even though we hear them year round.</p> <p>This summer, it&rsquo;s like living next door of a movie theatre popcorn machine. The sounds of shots seem to carry on the summer breeze.&nbsp;<strong>POWS!</strong>&nbsp;in the middle of the night everywhere. You&rsquo;re always within ear shot. Sirens could help distinguish fireworks from shots fired, but the sirens are blaring constantly. Occasionally, you hear a second&nbsp;<strong>BOOM!</strong>, aka return fire. It&rsquo;s not often close enough to hear recoil or &lsquo;<em>woosh</em>,&rsquo; the sound that bullets make when they&rsquo;re flying past. It&rsquo;s more of an echo than an explosion. Chicago has an ambient murmur like the crackling of a small campfire.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>