Midjourney Prompts Cheat Sheet

<h1>What Are Prompts?</h1> <p>Prompts are pieces of text that inform an AI model of the user&rsquo;s request. Under the hood, Midjourney has a language processing model that converts your natural language prompt into smaller snippets (or tokens). It compares them with all the data it has been trained on, to understand their relationship with a certain category of images.</p> <p>A well crafted prompt can point Midjourney to the right direction and give you an image as close as possible to your needs.</p> <p>All prompts in Midjourney must be prefixed with the&nbsp;<code>/imagine</code>&nbsp;command</p> <p>A prompt can contain the following :</p> <ul> <li>Image URL</li> <li>Text</li> <li>Parameters.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*SbQFPSX0Rww18H5VAJm4mQ.png" style="height:100px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Prompt example by Midjourney Official Documentation</p> <h1>Parameters</h1> <h2>Aspect Ratio</h2> <p><code><strong>--aspect</strong></code>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<code><strong>--ar</strong></code>&nbsp;(example&nbsp;<code>--ar 2:3</code>&nbsp;)</p> <h2>Chaos</h2> <p><code><strong>--chaos &lt;number 0&ndash;100&gt;</strong></code>&nbsp;Changes how varied the results will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations.</p> <h2>No</h2> <p><code><strong>--no &lt;word&gt;</strong></code>&nbsp;exclude something specific from the images</p> <h2>Image Weight</h2> <p><code><strong>--iw &lt;0-2&gt;</strong></code>&nbsp;(default value 1) For prompts that include URL to an image as well as some text, their relative weight can be adjusted.</p> <p>For example setting&nbsp;<code>--iw 2</code>&nbsp;would ask Midjourney to give twice as much importance to the images provided in the prompt than to the text.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.devgenius.io/midjourney-prompts-cheat-sheet-f1fce9df8bc6"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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