Scraping real estate listing data using ChatGPT’s API

<p>I worked for a real estate fund for quite a while, and was always interested in the Market, therefore I was always looking to find a way to understand it, to get the big picture, and how to value a property correctly. In order to do that I used to scrape the data of my city and followed the following steps.</p> <p>1. Scrape several sites and get the Latitude and Logitude as well as price, number of rooms, area and some other details</p> <p>2. Georeverse the latitude and longitude to get the address, city, district and country</p> <p>3. Calculate the Property Yield for a district, by taking the properties that are rented and get the Avg Rental Price per SQM per district from properties that are up for rental, take the Avg Sale Price per SQM per district from properties and essentially apply the following formula. ((avg_rent_sqm_per_district * 12 ) / avg_price_per_sqm_per_district) * 100</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: ChatGPTs API