ChatGPT, Random Numbers, and the Lottery

<p>A couple of months ago, there were major news headlines on how people won the lottery by asking ChatGPT to guess the winning numbers. Although they were not able to win the jackpot, they certainly won something in the neighborhood of $40, which is still pretty cool.</p> <p>With all the hype, I was naturally curious. So I set on to play the lottery myself and see if I win something.</p> <p>But first, I thought I would do something different from what others did. They asked ChatGPT to guess numbers randomly and played the lottery. I asked myself, what if I gave some context to the ChatGPT on the historical lottery winnings? Would it enable the large language model (LLM) to predict the winning numbers for the jackpot accurately?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s find out!</p> <blockquote> <p>For those, who are not interested in reading the entire article, here is the gist:&nbsp;<strong>I won the lottery for an amount of &euro;6 from the numbers randomly generated by ChatGPT.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>Curious about what I did? Keep reading!</p> <h1>The setup</h1> <p>Before playing the lottery, I needed to make some ground rules, like where to play and how much to spend to play. These are crucial as I don&#39;t plan to sink into the world of gambling ;)</p> <p>I live in France, so I picked a popular lottery game available here called EuroMillions. A simple lottery ticket costs &euro;2.5. So I decided to get four tickets which amounted to &euro;10, and that was set as a limit to this experiment. This is the amount I was willing to lose, if nothing.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: ChatGPT LLM