Why Your Employees Should Be Fluent in ChatGPT Prompting

<p><strong>TL;DR:&nbsp;</strong>Ever wonder why your AI tools aren&rsquo;t living up to the hype? The problem may not be the technology, but how you&rsquo;re asking it to serve you. Teaching your employees how to write good ChatGPT prompts is your doorway to opportunity and will give you a competitive edge.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Give a man a fish and he&rsquo;ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he&rsquo;ll eat for a lifetime.&rdquo; &mdash; Lau Tzu</em></p> <p>You can apply this ancient wisdom to the world of AI. Substitute &ldquo;fish&rdquo; with &ldquo;prompt templates&rdquo;, and &ldquo;fishing skills&rdquo; with &ldquo;craft effective prompts, and you have yourself an AI-flavored Tao Tenet.&nbsp;<em>Equip a person with a prompt template, and they&rsquo;ll solve a task; teach them to craft effective prompts, and they&rsquo;ll solve thousands.</em></p> <h1><strong>Efficient Prompts Aren&rsquo;t Simple</strong></h1> <p>Like any technology, ChatGPT is only as good as your ability to use it. To ensure its utility, you must articulate commands that give a clear and detailed picture of the desired task. It is crucial to provide specific context and precision&mdash;the more precise we are in input or instruction, the better our output becomes. Instead of requesting &ldquo;Give me writing tips,&rdquo; a prompt such as &ldquo;Provide 10 compelling tips to improve my writing skills for business email communication&rdquo; would yield a list of more targeted advice.<br /> Swap a bland &ldquo;How do we boost sales?&rdquo; with &ldquo;brainstorm some quirky yet effective strategies for boosting our holiday sales.&rdquo;</p> <p>Giving context is just one requirement. With time, your employees can explore more advanced techniques like few-shot learning (providing examples to guide how you want ChatGPT to respond), chain of thought (guiding the model&rsquo;s thinking in sequence), and meta-prompting (asking it to write its own prompt), among many others&mdash;but that&rsquo;s for another post.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@olgatopchaya/why-your-employees-should-be-fluent-in-chatgpt-prompting-4c4ead764fb8"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>