ChatGPT Has a Lying Problem

<p>But beneath all the hype and occasional silliness, there are some serious problems that LLMs are about to unleash on our world. The most likely scenario is that the information space of the future &mdash; web content, comments, social media, and everywhere else that text exists &mdash; will be massively polluted by people misusing AI tools. That means a world continuously victimized by political hacks, conspiracy theorists, and scammers, all with the ability to churn out an avalanche of computer-assisted verbiage.</p> <p>In other words, if you think social media is a hellscape today, I have some bad news.</p> <p>But in this article, I don&rsquo;t want to talk about all the ways that bad actors will weaponize LLMs. Instead, I want to talk about the problems ChatGPT presents to ordinary, well-intentioned people. Because even when an LLM like ChatGPT isn&rsquo;t in malicious hands, it&rsquo;s still a remarkably dangerous tool.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Problem Lying