Charlotte Figi: The Girl Who Changed Medical Marijuana Laws in the U.S.

<p>Born with a twin sibling on October 18, 2006, Charlotte had her first seizure at three months old. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare condition called Dravet Syndrome, a form of epilepsy in which cellular mutation causes cluster seizures that can last 30 minutes or longer.</p> <p>By age 5, Charlotte depended on a wheelchair. She suffered as many as 300 grand mal seizures per week, which caused her trouble walking and talking and caused cognitive delays.</p> <p>The pills prescribed to treat Charlotte&rsquo;s seizures did little to ease her pain or stop the seizures. Her parents, Matt and Paige, were desperate to help their beautiful little girl.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Charlotte Figi