Character Creation and Choice in RPGs

<p>People love character creation in videogames. Often a person will spend up to about an hour creating their character in youtube videos, talking about hy thy&rsquo;re putting points into this stat or that, but this character creation screen is usually a one time thing. Some players can also even rush through it. Because of this, there&rsquo;s a lot of different approaches to it in gaming.</p> <p>You would think by now here would be one type of character creation which is the best, most standardised way to do it; but the approaches can still be very different.</p> <p>In The&nbsp;<em>Elder Scrolls Oblivion</em>&nbsp;for example, a character will be suggested to you by the way you conduct yourself during the opening dungeon, or in&nbsp;<em>Fallout 3</em>&nbsp;there is the G.O.A.T test where you answer a multiple choice questionnaire . These are ways the developers have tried to make the character creation aspect of RPGs understandable to players.</p> <p>JRPGs will often forgo it this entirely, giving you pre-set types of classes with personalities. Or they will offer a job system, where classes can be changed on the fly.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>