Chapter №2 — My Answers

<p>Here are my answers to Chapter 2, questions 1&ndash;5 from&nbsp;<em>Dynamics of Media Writing:</em></p> <ol> <li>&ldquo;Gatekeeping&rdquo; is a selection process done by media professionals which determines what people do and don&rsquo;t see.</li> <li>&ldquo;Fake news&rdquo; can be defined as satire sites, partisan news, hoaxes, and blatant misinformation. To avoid getting blinded by false content, remember to always consider the source, look for other stories on the topic, be wary of rumors (research and find out if it&rsquo;s true), click and examine the links in articles, and be suspicious (verify any and all information).</li> </ol> <p>3. In a basic fact check, you should always check spelling, review proper nouns, make sure any numbers/statistics are right, verify addresses (be specific), source documents and attain original copies of them, review dead-tree publications, use official websites, and in some cases, utilize your own work.</p> <p>4. A primary source is information sourced from someone or something that was present for your specific research topic (a &ldquo;first-person&rdquo; account). A secondary source is this information retold or interpreted from the primary source (a &ldquo;second-person&rdquo; account).</p> <p>5. In the context of fact checking, the phrase &ldquo;If your mother says she loves you, go check it out&rdquo; means to never assume anything is true in media. Be a &ldquo;nondenominational skeptic&rdquo; &mdash; always presume something to be incorrect until its proven right, regardless of the source of the information.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>