Why Bring Kids Into Such A Chaotic World?!

<p>He bemoaned the fact that his grandchildren were growing up in a more difficult time than when he was growing up. He worried and he wondered what to make of it and how to strengthen them for their life&rsquo;s journey.</p> <p>We meet weekly to discuss the Torah portion and its life lessons and so all we had to do was look inside the Torah text to a very similar dilemma.</p> <p>Rebecca, our foremother, was experiencing a difficult pregnancy, more difficult than the average. The great sage of the time informed her that the twins she was carrying would grow into two different nations that would be in constant struggle with each other.</p> <p><a href="https://rabbisgreenberg.medium.com/why-bring-kids-into-such-a-chaotic-world-6cdc32282c08"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Chaotic world