Do You Believe In Chance?

<p>Isn&rsquo;t it fascinating how some people suddenly, as if by chance, become wildly successful? It seemingly happens all the time. What did they do beforehand, and where does chance fit into their success?</p> <h2><strong>What is chance?</strong></h2> <p>Many of us know there is far more to chance than chance alone. How do you understand the role of chance in your life?</p> <p>What exactly is chance? The definition in the Oxford Languages Dictionary is:</p> <blockquote> <p>chance &mdash; noun &mdash; a possibility of something happening.</p> <p>chance &mdash; adjective &mdash; fortuitous; accidental.</p> <p>chance &mdash; verb &mdash; do something by accident or without design.</p> </blockquote> <p>Do you understand the meaning of chance by its definition, or do you see it as something more?</p> <p>Many people equate chance with its synonym happenstance, meaning some things happen without rhyme or reason. Is that a realistic view of what happens in life?</p> <p>Some refute that anything occurs by chance or coincidence. They believe whatever happens was meant to be. Others think life is so unpredictable the unexpected can happen at any time.</p> <p>Who is right? Could it be both?</p> <p>What about those who take chances, including calculated risks? Would their result have happened whether they took a chance or not?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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